Beyond 3D culture models of cance
Science Translational Medicine 15 Apr 2015:Vol. 7, Issue 283, pp. 283ps9 The mechanisms underlying the spatiotemporal evolution of tumor...

恭喜 暟耘、季恩 榮登104學年度第2學期院長榮譽榜(Dean’s List)

CANCER. Tracking the origins of tumorigenesis.
Science 29 Jan 2016: Vol. 351, Issue 6272, pp. 453-454 Cancer arises through mutations that transform normal cells into cells that...

Chemokine-Guided Angiogenesis Directs Coronary Vasculature Formation in Zebrafish
Harrison et al., 2015, Developmental Cell 33, 442–454 Harrison et al. describe coronary vessel formation in juvenile zebrafish by ...

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