在 “損傷與修復 / Damage and Repair” 的主題下,我們的研究深入探討新興癌症治療策略、心臟損傷修復,與兩者之間的交叉點。我們想解決了一個關鍵但常被忽視的問題:我們如何在保護心臟免受傷害的同時有效治療癌症?Cardio-Oncology or Onco-Cardiology 這個主題對於塑造醫學未來尤為重要。
癌症抗性機制與合併療法的潛力 : 惡性腫瘤如何抵抗治療而復發的能力,一直是個有待解決的難題。我們分析腫瘤產生抗性的機制,並研究可以克服抗性的創新療法。
心臟毒性機制與心臟保護藥物 : 癌症治療可以挽救生命,但有時會傷害心臟。我們探索化學治療引起的心臟損傷機制,也尋找能保護心臟藥物,以確保患者能夠在不犧牲心血管健康的情況下對抗癌症。
斑馬魚心臟再生的關鍵修復程序 : 與人類不同,斑馬魚心臟受損後可以再生。通過研究其關鍵修復過程,我們探索斑馬魚心臟於修復過程中纖維化的產生與消除。希望能藉此揭示可能改變我們治療人類心臟病的新策略。
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Expanded Summary
合併療法Combination Therapy 是指同時或依序使用兩種或多種治療方法,例如化療和放療,以增強治療效果、減少副作用並延長患者的生命。例如,硼中子捕獲治療(BNCT)是一種新興的精準放射治療技術。BNCT利用含硼藥物集中在腫瘤中,並與中子反應,產生高能粒子,精確殺死癌細胞,同時盡量保全周圍的正常組織。我們的研究專注於將BNCT與其他治療方法結合,進一步提高治療的準確性和效果,幫助有效對抗具抗性的癌細胞。
當心臟受到損傷時,會啟動一系列複雜的修復和重塑過程,以恢復其結構和功能,這包括組織修復和代謝調整等。我們的研究使用斑馬魚心臟損傷模型,探索在心臟修復 Cardiac Repair 過程中關鍵的細胞類型和分子信號。這些研究將有助於發現促進心肌修復、恢復正常心律、減少纖維化 Fibrosis 以及實現損傷癒合的關鍵因素,為開發新型治療方法提供理論與實證支持。


Zebrafish housing system - YJC Lab-NTHU
Introduction to YJC Lab’s Research
At YJC Lab, we focus on understanding the complex biological processes involved in damage response and repair, with a particular emphasis on cancer combination therapies and cardiac repair and remodeling.
Our current research topics include:
Regulation of Cancer Progression and Synergistic Combination Therapies
We explore how different treatment modalities, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapies, and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT), can be combined to enhance therapeutic efficacy. Combination therapy involves using two or more treatment approaches, either simultaneously or sequentially, to increase anti-cancer effectiveness, reduce side effects, overcome drug resistance, and prolong patient survival. BNCT is an emerging, targeted radiation therapy that delivers boron-containing drugs directly to cancer cells. When exposed to neutrons, these drugs undergo a nuclear reaction that produces high-energy particles that selectively damage cancer cells while sparing surrounding healthy tissue. We are investigating how BNCT can be combined with other therapies to improve its selectivity and specificity, offering new hope for treating resistant cancers.
Cardiac Toxicity Related to Cancer Treatment (Cardio-Oncology)
Cancer therapies, while effective at targeting cancer cells, can also cause significant damage to normal tissues, particularly the heart. Cardiac toxicity refers to the functional and structural changes in the cardiovascular system induced by cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy or radiation, and includes conditions like myocarditis, heart failure, and arrhythmias. These toxic effects not only complicate cancer treatment but also increase the risk of mortality and reduce patients' quality of life. Our research focuses on understanding the mechanisms by which cancer treatments induce heart damage and developing strategies to prevent or mitigate these harmful effects. Reducing cardiac toxicity is a critical challenge in improving cancer treatment outcomes.
Cardiac Repair and Remodeling
After an injury or stress, the heart undergoes a series of tissue and molecular changes to restore its structure and function. These processes, collectively known as cardiac repair and remodeling, include tissue remodeling, ionic remodeling, and metabolic remodeling. While these changes are necessary for healing, they can be either beneficial or harmful depending on the nature and severity of the injury. The cardiac repair process involves a complex interplay of various cell types and signaling pathways. Using the zebrafish model, we investigate how these cells and molecules contribute to heart repair and remodeling. Our goal is to identify key regulatory factors that promote the repair of damaged myocardium, restore normal heart rhythm, prevent fibrosis, and encourage scarless healing. Ultimately, this research aims to identify new therapeutic strategies for improving heart function after injury.
If you’re interested in learning more about our research, we invite you to explore our recent publications. We also welcome those passionate about these topics to join us in advancing translational applications in both cancer therapy and cardiovascular research.
2014 Devices and methods for tracking moving objects (美國專利)黃詩音/陳永昌/莊永仁
2014 追蹤移動物件之裝置與方法 (中華民國專利) 黃詩音/陳永昌/莊永仁
2014 Transparent zebrafish and preparation method thereof (美國專利)莊永仁/黃威彰
2016 三導心電圖針式電極 - 動物心電生理檢測裝置及其系統 (技術授權)林旻萱/莊永仁
2017 具細胞親和力與電容耦合性之立體電極及包含其之生物探針(中華民國專利)潘怡安/游萃蓉/陳新/莊永仁