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Introduction to YJC Lab’s Research


在"損傷與修復​ / damage and repair"的主題框架內,我們探討合併癌症治療 (combination therapy)心臟傷害及修復 (repair and remodeling of the heart) 的複雜課題。

我們目前的 主要課題/ Current Projects 包括:

  • 研究腫瘤抗性機制和合併療法的潛力

      Studying tumor resistance mechanisms and the potential of combination therapy.

  • 揭示心毒性機制、生物標記和心臟保護藥物

      Uncovering cardiotoxicity mechanisms, biomarkers,  and potential cardioprotective drugs.

  • 探索斑馬魚心臟再生過程中的關鍵修復程序 

      Understanding cardiac repair processes

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  1. 研究癌症進程的調控,以及開發有協同作用的合併療法 (combination therapy),這可能涉及化療、標靶治療和硼中子捕獲治療(BNCT): 合併治療是指同時或順序地使用兩種或多種不同的治療方式,如化療、標靶治療、放療等,來增強抗癌效果、減少副作用、克服抗性 (Resistance to therapy)、延長生存期等。其中,硼中子捕獲治療(BNCT)是一種新興的標靶性放射治療,它利用含硼藥物高富集於腫瘤,再與中子照射引發硼10的核反應,產生高能量的粒子,對癌細胞造成局部的殺傷,保護周圍正常組織。我們探索BNCT可以如何與其他治療方式結合,對抗性癌細胞提高選擇性和特異性。

  2. 研究與癌症治療相關的心毒性 (cardiac-oncology) : 癌症治療不僅會作用於癌細胞,也可能會對正常的組織和器官造成損傷。與癌症治療相關的心臟毒性,是指癌症治療導致的心血管系統功能障礙或結構改變,如心肌炎、心衰竭、心律失常等。這些心臟毒性會增加患者的死亡風險和生活品質的下降。因此,研究癌症治療對心臟與血管的影響,以及如何減少和預防心毒性,是一個重要的課題。

  3. 心臟傷害修復和重塑過程 (Cardiac repair and remodeling) : 心臟在受到各種刺激或損傷後,會發生一系列的組織和分子改變,以維持心臟的功能和結構。這些動態改變 (e.g., tissue remodeling, ionic remodeling, metabolic remodeling) ,取決於刺激或損傷的類型、強度等因素。心臟傷害修復和重塑過程涉及多種細胞類型和訊號分子。我們主要利用斑馬魚模式去研究這些細胞和關鍵分子在心臟傷害修復和重塑過程中的作用,有助於找出能修復受損心肌、恢復心律、避免心臟纖維化、促進無疤癒合的關鍵調控分子,並開發出新的治療方法。



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Zebrafish housing system - YJC Lab-NTHU


Introduction to YJC Lab’s Research


Under the theme of “damage responses and repair”, we explore the complex issues of cancer combination therapy and cardiac repair and remodeling.

Our current reserach topics include:

1. The regulation of cancer progression and Synergistic combination therapies: This may involve chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT): Combination therapy for cancer refers to the simultaneous or sequential use of two or more different treatments, such as chemotherapy, targeted therapy, radiation therapy, etc., to enhance anti-cancer effects, reduce side effects, overcome resistance, prolong survival, etc. Among them, boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) is an emerging therapy that delivers boron drugs into cancer cells and to react with neutrons, producing high-energy particles that cause local damage to the cancer cells. BNCT can be combined with other treatments to improve selectivity and specificity.

2. Cardiac toxicity related to cancer treatment (cardiac-oncology): Cancer treatment not only affects cancer cells, but also causes damage to normal tissues and organs. Cardiac toxicity related to cancer treatment refers to the functional or structural changes in the cardiovascular system caused by cancer treatment, such as myocarditis, heart failure, arrhythmia, etc. These cardiac toxicities not only affect the effectiveness of cancer treatment, but also increase the risk of death and decrease the quality of life of patients. Therefore, studying the impact of cancer treatment on the heart, and how to reduce and prevent cardiac toxicity, is an important issue.

3. Cardiac repair and remodeling: To maintain the function and structure of the heart, a series of tissue and molecular changes will occur after stimuli or injuries. These changes (e.g., tissue remodeling, ionic remodeling, metabolic remodeling) may be beneficial or harmful, depending on the type, intensity, and other factors of the stimulus or injury. The cardiac repair and remodeling process involves multiple cell types and signaling molecules. We usd the zebraifsh model system to study the roles of these cells and molecules in the cardiac repair and remodeling, which shall help to identify key regulatory molecules that  repair damaged myocardium, restore cardiac rhythm, prevent cardiac fibrosis, and promote scarless healing, and develop new therapeutic methods.

If you want to learn more about our reserach, we invite you to checkout our research papers published in recent years. We also welcome those of you who are interested in these topics to come join us and to develop translational applications.


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